55th Annual NERA Conference Overview & Highlights,
October 8–10, Trumbull, CT

Javier Suárez-Álvarez, Caroline Prendergast, Hannah Smith, and Siyu Wan,
Conference Co-Chairs
Dear NERA Members,
We are thrilled to share our latest updates for the 2024 conference!
Join us for a transformative journey filled with new ideas, meaningful connections, and the opportunity to engage with professionals who will push your boundaries and help you grow. Whether you're looking to learn, lead, or explore new horizons, this conference is the place to be.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 8, to Thursday, October 10, 2024, and stay tuned for more exciting details—this is an event you won't want to miss!
This year's theme is:
Promoting Social Responsibility in Educational Research
In the ever-changing world of education and educational research, we need to continually reflect upon the fundamental reasons for our work in the field of education and the responsibilities that come with it. We need to remember that we serve learners of all types. Our roles require us always to question the status quo with clear intent; collaborate with diverse groups of people representing different races, ethnicities, gender identities, cultural backgrounds, expertise, and experiences; ensure we collect the appropriate data from the appropriate constituencies while embracing and promoting intersectionality; be explicit about the methods we use; and openly and transparently communicate the results we find, whether these are significant, not significant, or inconclusive. Our ability to succeed depends on continuously working to maintain strong and healthy communities of practice, ensuring all stakeholders’ voices are heard and represented so that we support positive changes both in the field of education research and in society as a whole. Let us join together in this journey of rediscovery and recommitment to our shared values and mission as an organization.
Our keynote speakers and thought leaders will share fresh perspectives on promoting social responsibility in educational research and encourage you to think differently and challenge your ideas constructively. Join us for two inspiring sessions:

Keynote Sessions
Beverly Leon (Tuesday, October 8th, at 7 PM): Beverly is the Founder and CEO of Local Civics, with a rich background in social entrepreneurship and educational leadership. She holds an MSc in Social Policy from the University of Oxford, where she specialized in Education and Labor Market Policy. She graduated from Columbia Business School, focusing on social entrepreneurship, and holds a BA in History from Columbia University. With over a decade of experience as a youth educator and coach, she has played pivotal roles, including serving as a Program Coordinator for Level the Field NYC and as a Teaching Fellow for Columbia University’s Freedom and Citizenship Civics Education Program.
Shaun Nelms (Wednesday, October 9th, at 12 PM): Shaun is the Vice President of Community Partnerships at the University of Rochester, NY, where he fosters strategic collaborations to enhance community engagement. In 2018, Shaun was appointed the inaugural William and Sheila Konar Director for the Center for Urban Education Success (CUES) at the Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester. Previously, he served as the Superintendent of East Upper and Lower Schools in Rochester, where he developed a nationally recognized, replicable school reform model for urban settings. He is a distinguished speaker on equitable school systems and leadership in education.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.: “Less is More:” Responsible Qualitative Interview Practices for More Inclusive and Illuminating Responses
Facilitator: Kai Fuentes, Ebony Marketing Systems
Abstract: Learn how a qualitative interview approach that uses fewer questions yields more participation from interviewees fulfilling the goal of richer, deeper, more illuminating data than a traditional lengthy discussion guide and/or quantitative alone provides. This approach shifts the power rightfully from the interviewer to the interviewee. Together we will practice: recognizing interviewee topic sensitivity; iterative discussion guide editing; the grace of the pause; the art of soft vs. hard probes; preparing and caring for the interviewer. Incorporates two published case studies on significant health/wellness challenges of Black women. Suitable for all knowledge levels, from beginner to advanced researchers.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.: Data Quality: The More You Know; Key Concepts and Approaches to Ensure Quantitative Research Success
Facilitator: AJ Kierans, Good Human Partners
Abstract: Explore essential strategies for ensuring data quality in quantitative market research. Learn techniques to identify and address common data issues, improve accuracy, and enhance the reliability of your research findings. This workshop provides practical insights and actionable steps to optimize data quality throughout the research process, from data collection to analysis and interpretation. Gain valuable skills to elevate the credibility and effectiveness of your quantitative market research endeavors. Together we will look at the current landscape, technologies available and best practices to ensure confidence as well as data integrity and stability for your research.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Opening the Black Box: Understanding Content Development for Large Scale Standardized Assessment
Facilitators: Dr. Alexander M. Hoffman, AleDev Research & Consulting, and Marjorie Wine, Accessible Teaching Learning and Assessment Systems (ATLAS), University of Kansas
Abstract: Recently, the estimable Kristen Huff stated publicly that she would not hire psychometricians who do not know how the business works or how the product is made. Educational measurement data come from the tests that content development professionals (CDPs) produce, and innovative test designs are implemented through CDPs’ work. This workshop digs into the content development workflow, the largely unexamined nature of content development work and the principles that underlie it. It is aimed at educational measurement graduate students and faculty, and may interest educational measurement professionals who do not work in content development. All curious educators are welcome.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Educational Research for Equity: A Workshop on Anti-Bias, Anti-Oppressive Educational Research Practices
Facilitators: Dr. Detritus Honora Adelabu, Pooja Aradhya, Rohan R. Arcot, Adine A. DeLeon, & K’Nadja Sims, Boston University Wheelock College of Education and Human Development
Abstract: Even the Rat was White: A Historical View of Psychology was an early rallying call to challenge inequities in research (Guthrie, 1976).  Nearly 50 years later research inequities persist and hinder progress toward improving educational outcomes for all students.  In this workshop, interactive small group activities will encourage participants to collaborate, share ideas, and co-create practical solutions to inclusive, equity focused research. Participants will leave with an outline for a positionality statement, a tool to assess and combat research bias, a curated reference list, and a strategy to leverage their research for educational change.

Invited Panelists

Perspectives on Civic Education
Panelists: Laura Hamilton, American Institutes for Research (moderator); Dena Pastor, James Madison University; Beverly Leon, LocalCivics; Miriam Bart, Maryland Department of Education; Elyse Alter, Sphere Education Initiatives.

Perspectives on Culture at Minority Serving Institutions
Panelists: Laura Lara-Brady, WestEd (moderator); Claude Tamaze, Lincoln University; Andrés Castro Samayoa, Boston College; Kyndra Middleton, Howard University.

Perspectives on the Student Parent Population
Panelists: Haley Myers Dillon, California State University-Sacramento (moderator); Megan Brown, University of Texas-San Antonio; Miriam Cullimore, Minnesota Office of Higher Education; Brittani Shaw Williams, Generation Hope. 

Interview Preparation Panel            
Panelists: Matthew J. Madison, University of Georgia; Ross Markle, DIA Higher Education Collaborators
We look forward to sharing more details regarding the 2024 NERA conference as we continue our planning for October, so keep an eye out for updates!
NERA is a volunteer-based organization. We need your help to ensure a high-quality conference in October. Please sign up to be a session chair or discussant!
Your 2024 NERA Conference Co-Chairs
Javier Suárez-Álvarez, Caroline Prendergast, Hannah Smith, and Siyu Wan


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