NERA Committees

Please see the NERA Leadership page for a current list of committee members. If you are interested in joining any of these committees, please reach out to the committee chair or complete this form:

Communications Committee

This committee fosters communications both between NERA's governance and NERA members as well as among members and to ensure consistency in representing NERA through all its communication venues. This includes coordinating all NERA communications with members, prospective members and the educational research community, through e-mail, social media and the NERA website.

Graduate Student Issues Committee

This committee supports the involvement and professional development of NERA graduate student members and reaches out to new graduate students in an effort to increase the diversity of institutions represented at NERA. They also host sessions at NERA dedicated to their constituents and collect and review nominations for an award to recognize the best paper by a graduate student and select the recipient.

Infrastructure Committee

This committee investigates and maintains products, services and initiatives to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of NERA operational activities. They also coordinate with other NERA committees to ensure NERA products meet their needs.

Membership Committee

This committee addresses the strategic goals identified by the Board of Directors related to membership for three key groups: recruitment of new members, sustaining current membership, and bringing lapsed members into current status. 

Nominations Committee

This committee solicits nominations for elected NERA positions, reviews and chooses candidates to run and oversees the yearly election.

Conference Ambassadors

This committee is responsible for welcoming new and returning members to the annual NERA conference by providing an open environment that encourages connecting with colleagues across the NERA membership in attendance at the conference, as well as sharing their own experiences with meeting attendees.

Award Committees

Thomas Donlon Mentoring Award Committee

This committee collects and reviews nominations for this award to recognize outstanding mentoring and selects the recipient.

Leo D. Doherty Memorial Award Committee

This committee collects and reviews nominations for this award to recognize outstanding leadership and service to NERA and selects the recipient.

Educator-as-Researcher Issues Award Committee

This committee encourages educators to conduct research and to use the findings to inform best practices in teaching. They host sessions at the NERA conference dedicated to their constituents. Committee members also oversee an award process for which they collect and review nominations and select an outstanding Educator-as-Researcher.

Lorne H. Woollatt Distinguished Paper Award Committee

This committee collects and reviews papers submitted for this award and selects the recipient.

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