Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce that registration for the 2024 NERA conference is now open! This year’s conference will be held on October 8-10 at the Trumbull Marriott in Trumbull, CT.

This year’s conference theme is Promoting Social Responsibility in Educational Research. As educational researchers and practitioners, we are responsible for serving learners of all types, questioning the status quo, collaborating with diverse groups of learners, explicitly describing our methods, and openly and transparently communicating the results we find. We must continue to ask: Who is served by the field of educational research? Who is ignored? How can we collectively support positive change within educational research and, more broadly, across society? We look forward to exploring these consequential questions with you in October.

As in prior years, we have lined up an excellent schedule of workshops, panel discussions, and presentations. Of course, you can also expect ample opportunities to network and socialize with colleagues. Specific details about the conference program will be shared in September. Below, you will find important conference and hotel registration information.  

Joining NERA or Renewing your NERA Membership
All attendees of the 2024 NERA Conference must be current NERA members. Before you can register for the conference, you must either join NERA or renew your membership if you have not done so already. Visit the NERA website at and go to the “Member Log In section” in the upper right corner to find the links to join, renew, or log in. Feel free to reach out to the conference co-chairs with questions at

Registering for the 2024 Conference
Once you are a member of NERA, you can register for the conference by clicking here.

Registration fees for NERA include meals, so the registration process will ask you to note which meals you will attend at the conference. Please complete this section to the best of your ability to help the 2024 conference team estimate meal attendance.

We are pleased to continue offering free workshops at NERA this year. While workshops are included in the registration fee, estimates of attendance for each workshop are also useful for planning purposes, so please indicate which workshops you intend to attend during the registration process.

All online conference registration fees are processed through PayPal, but you do not need to have a PayPal account to make a payment – you can pay by credit card on the secure PayPal site.

Please note that to receive the early-bird registration rate, you must register by September 17, 2024. After this date, a late fee will be added to the regular rates. The early registration rates for this year are listed below by member type, followed by the late registration rate in parentheses.       

  • Professional Member - $250 ($325)
  • Full-time Student - $100 ($150)
  • Retired Member - $170 ($170)
Booking your room at the Trumbull Marriott
Book your room by September 23, 2024 to receive the discounted rate of $161 per night! After that date, prices are subject to increase.

Follow this link to book your room for the NERA conference. You may also call the hotel at 1-800-682-4095 and ask for the NERA Annual Conference Room Block to make your reservation.

We look forward to sharing more details about the 2024 NERA conference as we continue our planning for October, so keep an eye out for updates!
As always, NERA is a volunteer-based organization. We need your help to ensure a high-quality conference in October. Please consider signing up to be a session chair or discussant!
Your NERA 2024 Conference Co-Chairs,
Javier Suárez Álvarez, Hannah Smith, Siyu Wan, and Caroline Prendergast

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