NERA 2023 Conference

October 18–20, 2023
Trumbull Marriott Shelton, Trumbull, CT

Where Do We Go From Here? Shaping the Future of Education Together

Dear NERA Members,
We are so excited to share with you our plans for the upcoming conference! Our conference theme for 2023:
Where Do We Go From Here? Shaping the Future of Education Together
The 2023 conference theme starts with a question: Where Do We Go from Here? How do we find a path forward in the aftermath of a pandemic and the face of learning disruptions, teacher shortages, and persistent areas of inequality? Today’s challenges are complex and interconnected, calling for both reflection and action. Still, as a community of educators and researchers, we are uniquely positioned to find solutions. Our hope is that NERA members, current and new, will embrace this challenge and bring fresh observations, ideas, and perspectives to help advance our collective knowledge and expertise.
Additionally, we encourage NERA attendees to critically reflect on what “together” means, evaluating who is involved in educational research and practice decisions, who is invited and who is responsible for these decisions, and who is not at the table when these conversations happen. Finally, we especially encourage researchers to examine these issues through a diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) lens related to education and educational research. Our keynote speakers are intentionally aligned with this theme, and we cannot wait to hear from these two amazing scholars!
Jamila Lyiscott a.k.a ‘Dr. J’ is an Associate Professor of Social Justice Education. Her community-engaged research focuses on racial equity, youth activism, and the power of hip-hop and spoken word in education. Jamila is a community-engaged scholar, nationally renowned speaker, and the author of Black Appetite. White Food: Issues of Race, Voice, and Justice Within and Beyond the Classroom. She serves as an Associate Professor of Social Justice Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is the founding co-director of the Center of Racial Justice and Youth Engaged Research. Learn more about her at

Fabienne Doucet is the Executive Director of the NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools and an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education and Urban Education in the department of Teaching and Learning at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. She is also an affiliated faculty member of the NYU Institute for Human Development and Social Change and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Learn more about her at
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | 9am-12pm: An Introduction to Key Components of Bayesian Inference
  • Facilitator: Brian C. Leventhal, James Madison University
  • Abstract: Understanding Bayesian statistics is an important skill for researchers and practitioners of educational research. This workshop presents a conceptual introduction to the foundations of Bayes, including: 1) specifying a prior distribution, 2) summarizing evidence using a likelihood function, 3) forming a posterior distribution, and 4) making inferences. The workshop is designed at an introductory level to be accessible to attendees wishing to familiarize themselves with Bayesian techniques. Although some technical details will be discussed, the focus is on a conceptual understanding, making this workshop accessible to all educational researchers.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | 10am-12pm: Quantitative Instrument Development: Creating Questionnaires to Measure Constructs
  • Facilitator: Stacey Kite, Johnson & Wales University
  • Abstract: This interactive working session will guide participants through the development of a quantitative questionnaire. The session will begin with the identification of the purpose and resulting actions of the study in which the instrument will be used. Next, the session will assist participants in operationally defining variables and constructs and selecting existing literature and instruments to support them. Finally, after defining the study population, participants will learn how to develop new items and modify existing instrument items for their study. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to bring a researchable topic, literature to support the topic, and existing instruments.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | 1:30-4:30pm: Technical Foundations of Generative Artificial Intelligence: Applications to Measurement
  • Facilitator: Susan Lottridge, Cambium Assessment
  • Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence tools, like ChatGPT, are likely to deeply impact education and measurement, by changing what is taught and how it is taught, what constructs are measured and how they are measured. We, as measurement professionals, should know their design, potential use, and issues. This session will describe, in detail, the architecture of these models, provide examples of use of these tools in measurement, and discuss issues and opportunities in assessment. Participants will learn the steps in building models for each phase of the architecture and will leave with code that can be run to implement their own models.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | 1:30-4:30pm: Theory of Action: Guiding Assessment Design and Validity Research
  • Facilitators: Andrea Pope & Ross Markle, DIA Higher Education Collaborators
  • Abstract: Whether you are a seasoned assessment professional, a graduate student building a new assessment, or somewhere in between, this workshop is for you. A Theory of Action (ToA) provides a strategic overview of assessment components, action mechanisms, and impacts as well as the connective tissues among them. This ensures that assessment programs contain all the relevant components to lead to the desired impacts while providing a roadmap for vital validity research. Workshop participants will engage in an active and collaborative process for building ToA’s for themselves or others, using real-world examples - or even one of your own!
Thursday, October 19, 2023 | 8:15-9:45am: Designing Adequately Powered Multilevel Studies Cluster Randomized Trials to Detect Main Effects, Moderation, and Mediation
  • Facilitators: Ben Kelcey, University of Cincinnati; Fangxing Bai, University of Cincinnati; Amota Ataneka, University of Cincinnati; Yanli Xie, Florida State University
  • Abstract: We describe the conceptual logic and mechanics of multilevel studies (e.g., cluster-randomized trials) and train participants in how to plan multilevel studies with adequate statistical power to detect main, mediation, and moderation effects. We introduce participants to the free PowerUp! software (implemented in Shiny Apps, an R package, and Excel, see designed to estimate the statistical power to detect main, mediation, and moderation effects across a wide range of designs (e.g., cluster-randomized, multisite, partially nested, regression discontinuities). The workshop combines lecture with hands-on software practice. Participants should bring a laptop to the session. 
Friday, October 20, 2023 | 8:30-11:30am: Integrating Generative AI in Assessment Engineering: Hands-On Training with ChatGPT
  • Facilitator: Jaehwa Choi, The George Washington University
  • Abstract: This training offers an introduction to the integration of Generative AI, ChatGPT, with Assessment Engineering (AE) for psychometricians and assessment service providers. Attendees will learn about Assessment Knowledge Engineering technologies (e.g., Automatic Item Generation) to generate psychometrically sound digital assessment items by leveraging the new advancements of Generative AI. The training includes theoretical and practical exercises on the application of AE in collaboration with subject matter experts (SMEs). Participants will gain practical experience with the open-access AE platform, CAFA Lite, and will learn how to strategically integrate ontology modeling with computer-assisted template coding with the power of Generative AI. The training is designed for psychometricians who want to expand their knowledge of digitally innovative and sustainable methods in the AE framework. Attendees are required to bring their own laptops.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | 1:30-3:00pm: Reimagining the Role of Schools in Promoting Mental Health, SEL, and Resilience 
  • Panelists: Stuart Grossman and Ellen Margolin, Touro University; Rebecca Clark Stoyanova and Peling Li, Johns Hopkins University; Amra Sabic-El-Rayess and Vik Joshi, Columbia University

Thursday, October 19, 2023 | 4:30-5:45pm: Catalysts for Engagement: Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies to Promote Deep Learning Among Marginalized Groups
  • Panelists: Suzanne Brooks, Encore Education Services; Adele J. Doyle, City University of New York; Greg Gershowitz, St. John's University

Friday, October 20, 2023 | 10:15-11:45am: Evolving K-12 Education: How Scholars Make Sense of Their Research in a Rapidly Changing World
  • Panelists: Dara Bright, Tajma Cameron, Turea Hutson, Neisha Young, Sinead Meehan, and Ellana Black, Drexel University


Register for the annual conference before September 26 for early-bird rates! Prices as listed, prices in parentheses indicate the cost after 9/26.
               Professional Member - $250 ($325)
               Full-time Student - $100 ($150)
               Retired Member - $170 ($170)
Book your room at the Trumbull Marriott by September 26 to receive the discounted rate of $157 per night. After that date, prices will increase to about $215 per night.  Follow this link to book your room, or call the hotel at 203-378-1400 and tell them you will be attending the NERA conference.
We look forward to sharing more details regarding the 2023 NERA conference as we continue our planning for October, so keep an eye out for updates!

NERA is a volunteer-based organization. We need your help to ensure a high-quality conference in October. Please sign up to be a session chair or discussant!
Volunteer to be a session chair or discussant
Your NERA 2023 Conference Co-Chairs,
Francis O’Donnell, Maura O’Riordan, Mina Lee, and Sarah Ferguson

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